Community Café with Amy Widman and Matthew Gluth

August 26, 2024
2:30 pm
90 min

Do you help people get SNAP, Social Security, or Veteran's benefits? Are you helping people with legal issues related to immigration processes or in subsidized housing programs by HUD like Section 8? Do you work with a low-income taxpayer clinic? 

If so, we invite you to register for our next Community Café event on September 11 from 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm ET/11:30 am - 1:00 am PT!

This next Community Café will be a focus group joined by Amy Widman (Rutgers Law School) and Matthew Gluth (Senior Counsel at the Administrative Conference of the United States). They are currently researching the role of Community Justice Workers in administrative processes before a federal agency or involving federal benefits. You can read more about their project here.

We especially invite those who are Community Justice Workers to come, and for those of you who know a Community Justice Worker to please invite them! This is a great opportunity for Justice Workers to share their expertise in a space with other CJWs and have their voices heard.

Please register for this event using the link above, and keep an eye out for an invite coming your way shortly after. If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to us at We look forward to seeing you soon!

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